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Welcome to my showcase! Here you will find a collection of my strongest works from my Master of Arts in Education program at Michigan State University. I put a lot of effort and research into these creations, and I am quite proud of the final products. I hope you enjoy them! 


My showcase is divided into three categories:


Adult Learning: In my professional context, understanding the ways in which adults learn best is critical. Throughout my master's program, I have learned countless theories and strategies for successful adult learning. The creations in this category highlight my work connected to adult learning in the context of training and career development. 


Creative Teaching: The learning process can look differently depending on the context. We often see classroom learning in the form of lectures; however there are countless theories that suggest introducing creative learning experiences is far more effective. These works showcase my creative teaching strategies and lessons that go beyond traditional instruction. 


Reflection: An important component of the teaching and learning process, reflection offers an opportunity to slow down and better understand one's own learning experience, and the way their thinking has evolved. In my learning experience, reflection has been an absolutely essential part of my growth. I believe these essays demonstrate that. 


Clicking the title of each work will either bring you to another webpage or open the PDF. 

Showcase: Text


The film "Departures" tells the story of Diago Kobayashi, a Japanese man experiencing a career crisis. This multimedia work explores his experience in the film, and highlights several relevant and fascinating theories in the context of adult learning. I especially enjoyed creating this work because I had the chance to understand adult learning from a career-focused, non-western perspective.

Education is not unique to traditional K-12 and postsecondary classrooms. Adults often experience learning in professional contexts, in the form of training and professional development. This essay walks through a robust training program, providing special attention to the theories and assumptions behind my training decisions.

Showcase: List


This "create your own adventure" game is designed to help young adult learners practice their networking and interviewing skills in a fun and unique context. Created using Twine, this game-based assessment takes students on a Pirate journey! This work pushed me out of my comfort zone, and inspired me to get creative with designing an engaging and meaningful learning experience.

Teaching students online is no easy feat. Creating screencasts is a simple way to engage learners in a meaningful and productive way. This screencast takes a deep dive into the world of interviewing, highlighting types of interviews, types of questions, tips on how to prepare, and more. This was my first experience with a screencast, and introduced me to new and useful digital instructional tools.

Especially in the context of Career Development, reflecting on one's self-efficacy is an important part of the learning process. This Google Form is designed not only as a self-evaluation, but as an opportunity for students to reflect on how they feel about their learning progress. I also included a brief Peer Feedback Form for additional learning. This work helped me understand the incredible power of self-efficacy and feedback in learning, and how these clearly have a positive impact on the learning experience for adults.

Showcase: List


Discovering the design thinking process has greatly influenced my approach to teaching and problem solving, and has truly inspired me to be more creative. This reflection highlights how each stage of the process impacted my thinking and encouraged me to focus more of my time and energy on practicing empathy.

The concept of autobiographical inquiry focuses on reflecting on one's life experience to better understand other's experiences. This essay demonstrates my own autobiographical inquiry in exploring the impact of technological innovations on education.

Understanding the purposes and challenges of assessment is essential for successful teaching and learning in any context. This reflection essay highlights my ever-evolving beliefs about assessment, including the experiences and references that influence my thinking.

Showcase: List
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